21? What a milestone. Get your friends to help you celebrate in style with these free printable 21st birthday party invitations!
Turning twenty one is a great excuse for a party. But you need an invite that will help build the excitement. So I have designed a range that I hope you will love. Take a look on this page, and pick your 21st birthday invitation!
Bright and slightly grungy! This design will suit almost any type of party. Whether it is a get together at your local bar, or a limousine ride to a fancy club, this one has you covered.
Prints two to a page to save you ink.
Simple and understated - but very adaptable!
Bright Party Invite Letter - Twenty-first Invites. A4 - 21st Invitation |
This is a modified version of one of the most popular invites on my site - specially redesigned for a twenty-first.
The bright border on this one looks fabulous when printed. Each page contains two copes - so just cut them apart.
21st Birthday Invitation Letter - Bright 21st Party. A4 - Bright 21st Invites |
I recommend you print off a few extra invitations so you have some at hand if you remember someone to invite at the last minute.
Try to be organized about sending out your invitations. Keeping a list of who you have invited might seems tiresome - but will pay off in the end when you need to know how many people are coming. Just tick people off the list as they rsvp.
If you get a friend to help your organize the event, make sure it is one you trust. That will cut down the likelihood on unwelcome surprises!
Humor me here but I wanted to remind you that you don't have to follow the crowd when celebrating your 21st.
Express your individualism and make the celebration something that is special to you. Go bowling, or rock climbing, or host a vintage tea party. Are you a bookworm? See if your local library does lock-ins. Spend a little time thinking about what really make your day special.
I hope you have a fabulous birthday! Make it yours :)
Still looking for an invite? Try one of these.
More 21st Invites |