Printable Graduation Invitations

Free Downloadable Graduation Invites

Graduating? Congratulations!

These free printable graduation invitations are a great way to invite everyone to celebrate with you.

Whether you are having an open house, a huge party, or just a quiet get together with friends - these invites are a stylish way to let people know.

To keep your printing costs down these invites have a plain background. Brighten them up by printing them onto coloured paper.

Printable Graduation Invitations

Simply scroll down to find an invitation you like and choose your paper type (A4 or letter). Click on the links to open the invitation in a new window, ready for printing.

The invite that says it all! Stylish, simple and to the point

Printable Graduation Invitations - free downloadable invite

Free printable version:

printable graduations invitations thumbnail

Graduation Invite Card

usflag Letter -
Printable Graduation Invite.

blank flag A4 -
Graduation Invitation

A variation on the theme. Not much between them but I thought one might appeal to you more than the other :)

Why not print them both out and see which you like best.

Printable Graduation party invitations - Free graduation invites

Print your own:

Printable graduation invitations thumbnail

Graduation Party Invites

usflag Letter -
Graduation Printable invitation.

blank flag A4 -
Graduation Party invitation

Whether you are graduating from homeschool, college or high-school - your graduation is a big event. A time to celebrate and share your accomplishment with the world.

The way you do this can be as individual as you! A quiet meal with friends, an open house? Or a huge send-off party by everyone you know!

Whatever you decide, you need to invite your guests. Make sure you give everyone plenty of time to make arrangements to attend. Sending your invites out 3 to 4 weeks beforehand will put the spot in their diary - and give them time to let you know if they can make it.

If people are having to travel to attend, then maps, directions - and even a list of motels in the area, will all make it easier for them.

Keep a list of who you have invited (especially if it is a big graduation party) - and mark them so you can remember who is coming and who isn't. This will keep you on track with catering arrangements. And if you are anything like me - it will stop you waking up in the night in a cold sweat convinced you have forgotten to invite 'Auntie Ethel'!

Remember - this is supposed to be a celebration - not a hugely stressful affair!! So keep relaxed and focused on having a good time.

More Graduation Invites

Still looking for an invite? Try one of these.

Graduation Hat invite
Graduation Party Invites
Open House Graduation Invites

Many congratulations on your graduation :) I hope you have a wonderful celebration!

Printable Graduation Invitations

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